Transport for Wales (TfW) is carrying out a procurement advertised in the FTS, via Sell2 Wales, under the Open Procedure of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 to procure ‘Consultancy Panels 2’ services. TfW is a not for profit company, wholly owned by the Welsh Government. TfW exists to drive forward the Welsh Government’s vision of a high quality, safe, integrated, affordable and accessible transport network that the people of Wales are proud of. It will also help to change the way we understand, plan, use and invest in transport in Wales. TfW are looking to put in place Consultancy Panels 2 Framework, comprising of 7 Lots across a number of specialisms providing TfW access to specialist consultancy services as per the below areas.
Lot 1 – Stakeholder Management Lot
2 – Monitoring and Evaluation Lot
3 – Transport Data Collection Lot
4 – Fleet Decarbonisation Technical Support Lot
5 – Green Infrastructure Lot
6 – Active Travel Lot
7 – Architectural Services