Please note that the agenda is still being updated

Content Key

Use the folowing icons to idenitfy the session topic theme

= Public policy challenge and change (across public sector or universal topics)

= Delivery of infrastructure and development (planning)

= The impact of technology and AI

9.30am until 10.00 am

Enjoy some networking time and prepare for the opening session.  There is a free cloakroom.  Drinks and pastries will be provided.

10.00 am until 10.30 am

Main auditorium

Welcome (Fraser Henderson & John Twitchen, founders & co-directors)

– Keynote (TBA)

10.40 am until 11.30 pm

Main auditorium (panel session)

What could go wrong? When consultations go off the rails, stories from the crypt (Moderated by Fraser Henderson, ACEP Director)

-Andy Mills (independent expert and ex-tCI associate)

-Andy Wright

-Nick Duffin

11.40 am until 12.30 pm

Main auditorium (panel session)

It’s all about productivity – what have we learned in two decades of online participation? (various industry reps)

– Jessie Ashmore (Head of Customer Strategy, Delib)

-Jonathan Bradley (Head of Business and Practice, Granicus Experience Group)

-TBC (GoVocal)

[12.00 until 13.30 pm: Lunch break and networking]

13.30 pm until 14.00 pm

Room 1: (expert session)

Working at pace in a Combined Authority – 30 consultations in six months – what we did and what we learnt (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)

Room 2: (expert session)

Continual engagement through citizens assemblies – a dialogic approach to speed-up policymaking (Reema Patel, Izwe foundation)

 14.10pm until 14.40 pm

Room 1: (expert session)

Raising awareness like a ninja: how to gain the most traction in planning consultations (Oliver Deed, Managnig Director ECF)

Room 2: (expert session)

 Getting it right first time: how preparedness can help reduce unforeseen costs in complex change programmes (Stand)

14.50pm until 15.20 pm

Room 1: (expert session)

 Delivering big conversations: lessons learned from (Thinks Insights)

Room 2: (expert session)

The importance of early engagement in infrastructure projects such as active travel.  Lessons learned from delivery (WSP)

15.30 until 16.00: Short break and refreshments]

16.00 until 16.30

Room 1: (expert session)

Using AI to analyse feedback – the good, the bad and the ugly (ORS)

Room 2: (expert session)


 16.40 until 17.00

Main auditorium (panel session)

Closing keynote (TBA)

 17.00 until 19.00

Drinks reception and afterparty