Please note that the agenda is still being updated
Content Key
Use the folowing icons to idenitfy the session topic theme
♥ = Public policy challenge and change (across public sector or universal topics)
♦ = Delivery of infrastructure and development (planning)
♣ = The impact of technology and AI
9.30am until 10.00 am
Enjoy some networking time and prepare for the opening session. There is a free cloakroom. Drinks and pastries will be provided.
10.00 am until 10.30 am
Main auditorium
– Welcome (Fraser Henderson & John Twitchen, founders & co-directors)
– Keynote (TBA)
10.40 am until 11.30 pm
Main auditorium (panel session)
♥ What could go wrong? When consultations go off the rails, stories from the crypt (Moderated by Fraser Henderson, ACEP Director)
-Andy Mills (independent expert and ex-tCI associate)
-Andy Wright
-Nick Duffin
11.40 am until 12.30 pm
Main auditorium (panel session)
♣ It’s all about productivity – what have we learned in two decades of online participation? (various industry reps)
– Jessie Ashmore (Head of Customer Strategy, Delib)
-Jonathan Bradley (Head of Business and Practice, Granicus Experience Group)
-TBC (GoVocal)
[12.00 until 13.30 pm: Lunch break and networking]
13.30 pm until 14.00 pm
Room 1: (expert session)
♥ Working at pace in a Combined Authority – 30 consultations in six months – what we did and what we learnt (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
Room 2: (expert session)
♥ Continual engagement through citizens assemblies – a dialogic approach to speed-up policymaking (Reema Patel, Izwe foundation)
14.10pm until 14.40 pm
Room 1: (expert session)
♦ Raising awareness like a ninja: how to gain the most traction in planning consultations (Oliver Deed, Managnig Director ECF)
Room 2: (expert session)
♥ Getting it right first time: how preparedness can help reduce unforeseen costs in complex change programmes (Stand)
14.50pm until 15.20 pm
Room 1: (expert session)
♥ Delivering big conversations: lessons learned from (Thinks Insights)
Room 2: (expert session)
♦ The importance of early engagement in infrastructure projects such as active travel. Lessons learned from delivery (WSP)
15.30 until 16.00: Short break and refreshments]
16.00 until 16.30
Room 1: (expert session)
♣ Using AI to analyse feedback – the good, the bad and the ugly (ORS)
Room 2: (expert session)
16.40 until 17.00
Main auditorium (panel session)
Closing keynote (TBA)
17.00 until 19.00
Drinks reception and afterparty