Moderation rules for user submitted content
If you do not abide by these rules, your content will not be published
We may reject your content if:-
- It’s defamatory or libellous, or contains false or unproven statements
- It refers to a case where there are active legal proceedings
- It contains material that may be protected by an injunction or court order
- It contains material that could be confidential or commercially sensitive
- It could cause personal distress or loss. This includes content that could intrude into someone’s personal grief or shock without their consent.
- It accuses an identifiable person or organisation of wrongdoing, such as committing a crime
- It names individual officials of public bodies, unless they are senior managers
- It names family members of elected representatives, eg MPs, or of officials of public bodies
- It contains party political material
- It’s nonsense or a joke
- It’s an advert, spam, or promotes a specific product or service
- It’s a Freedom of Information request
- It contains swearing or other offensive language
- It’s offensive or extreme in its views. That includes content that attack, criticise or negatively focus on an individual or a group of people because of characteristics such as their age, disability, ethnic origin, gender identity, medical condition, nationality, race, religion, sex, or sexual orientation