Member Resources

Get access to exclusive templates, workbooks, links and examples

Interactive workbooks

Create and edit a range of documents, including consultation & engagement scoping exercises.  Each workbook will guide you to the right answers.

Document Library

Search and download hundreds of templates and read-to-go examples handily categorised based on your interests and industry

Solution Centre

Find products, tools. agencies and solutions to help you deliver the best quality results..all in one place!

What are the benefits of our resources?

You can rapidly develop consultation and engagement plans or look for examples to copy.  We provide a number of structured templates for you to complete so that planning a consultation or engagement exercise is a doddle.

Where do they fit into my membership?

By signing up to ACEP you will get access to all of these resources in your membership dashboard.  The resources are expanding daily and are all certified by experts.  Everything is digitized, searchable and easy to find.  

How will it help my career?

You will be able to develop professional outputs in no time and without mistake.  Discover the art of the possible or search for a supplier/solution quickly and easily.  Get access to advanced planning tools which reduce risks and are based on the latest industry thinking.

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