Virtual & in-house training


All courses are offered both online (as virtual webinar courses via Zoom or Teams) or offline (at your premises). Courses are between five and six hours duration and subject to a minimum number of delegates. Feel free to request (below) more information about a course or the full course prospectus.  Each course is tailored to your industry (e.g. health, government, fire & rescue)

Consultation - what is lawful, what is not?

An exploration of what you need to know as a consultor in order to asceratin when consultation is required, run a lawful consultation and reduce risk of challenge.

Equality Analysis and Impact Assessments

This course looks at how to apply the Equality duty in situations of change and development, including what analysis you need to do and what needs to be in an impact assessment.

Effective engagement

This course covers how engagement is used in different sceanrios, how to design an engagement programme, what methods of engagement might be needed and how to ensure worthwhile outputs.

Continuous Engagement

Twelve years experience of developing and delivering CE is condensed into this course. Here we consider what works, what does not and how to be both innovative and effective in design and implemention.

Effective pre-consultation

Before you consult you have to arrive at a preferred option or options. This course looks at what you need to consider in the way of pre-consultation processes to arrive at the best option(s) and reduce risk of challenge.

Better Option Appraisal

It’s the step before you either consult or decide. So getting it right is important. In this course we look at a variety of methods, how to run apparisal sessions (online or offline), and, highlight the best consensus and weighted scoring approaches.

Stakeholder identification, mapping and management

All public and stakeholder involvement starts with this. If you do not get it right your run the risk of your programme unravelling. This course gives you the essentials.

Digital inclusion and exclusion

So, you would prefer to do it all online. But you can’t. This course considers how you make digital engagement (and consultation) inclusive whilst using innovation to involve the digitally challenged and the digitally excluded.

Digital engagement 101

This course covers good practices for digital enagagement, including user interface design and an overview of the solution stack.  It includes content on social listening, fake engagement and online user panels.

Meet the trainers


Nick Duffin

I have over 25 years experience of engaging the public and stakeholders, whether for public service, social or commercial purposes.

I have supported health bodies, Councils, developers, airports, Fire and Rescue Services, NGOs, publishers, third sector organisations and consultancies.

In 2018 I was made a Fellow of the Consultation Institute. I have been training and coaching others to build their skills, knowledge and confidence since 2013.

Meet the trainers


Fraser Henderson

I have 13 years’ experience of delivering face-to-face and virtual training gained from time spent at The Consultation Instiute. I have in-depth knowledge of the law of consultation and I have worked in government (central and local).

My specialist subject is digital engagement and I have worked with clients across the sector to build capabilities and upskill workforces, including the delivery of briefings to elected members.

I also run ; an online skills assessment tool